Father Cummings Homilies

The Bread of Life

After feeding the five thousand and walking on water, Jesus explained at length that He was the bread of life, and eating his flesh is the condition for being raised up on the last day. Many of his disciples left Him saying "This is a hard saying" but Peter stood firm "You, Lord, have the words of eternal life". Let's make it our goal to understand better, or rather, to appreciate even without clear understanding, but with a more certain faith, the mystery of the Eucharist. Read this sixth chapter of John's gospel tonight. A careful reading of these few pages cannot leave us unchanged. Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you, for they shall be taught by God.

The Heavenly Father will not deprive us of what our souls really long for, if only we will open them up. He gave us the true bread of life when He sent us His only Son. This bread would bring us not just an extension of life on earth, but eternal life, Christ calls it "real food and real drink" promising that a man may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from Heaven; if any one eats of this bread, He will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh." (Jn. 6. 50-51)

The Eucharist, indeed every host and every part of a host, is identical with the Jesus who "was born of the Virgin and, offered up for the salvation of the world, hung upon the cross and now sits at the right hand of the Father" (Greg. VII, for Berengar of Tours). While He lacks the visible appearances of his body, He is truly present. Thus, rightly, do we adore Him in our Churches, bending the knee before the Eucharist in fitting homage to the Lord.

That is an amazing claim. It is one of the principle differences between Catholics and other Christians. Often, the realization that Christ is present in the Eucharist is what brings Protestants to seek full communion. The real measure of the faith is: how many Catholics come to visit the Blessed Sacrament outside of Mass? If it is truly Jesus Christ, body, blood, soul and divinity, dwelling among us still, He must be visited. If he is present to us, we must not be absent from Him! We all need to be converted, every day, by sitting in the presence of the Lord. We must sit at his feet like Mary. Moreover, we all need His strength. How jealously have imprisoned priests - like the late great Cardinal Kung of China - guarded small particles of the host so that, in solitary confinement, they were not alone! They derived superhuman strength from contact with the Lord; we all need that strength to win the battles for chastity, humility and patience.

Much has been said about Catholics who do not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. But an even greater problem is the many who believe, but do not believe enough. Why? Because, intellectual assent is not God's objective, communion is. One soul who takes full advantage of this sacrament can give God more glory than ninety-nine who believe but have cold hearts. If you believe that you are coming to meet the King of Heaven, to draw near and embrace Him, come prepared. Dress properly, clean your hands, talk in whispers, come early, stay late and adore at other times. If it is true, that Christ is present in our Church - body, blood, soul and divinity - we must act accordingly. We must not leave Him alone.

Christ does not only want to be adored but united to us through communion. It is awesome enough for us to be invited into his Presence, but to become one body with Him? We should tremble. Receive Him worthily. Cleanse not only your hands but your hearts. Make use of the great sacrament of confession so that the merciful Father can prepare your soul to receive Christ, even as He prepared the soul of the Blessed Virgin for Her altogether unique union with Him. Jesus Christ portrays Himself as the Bridegroom and the Church as the bride to emphasize that his goal is loving union with us. Just as marriage consists of a mutual gift of self, so He has given Himself to us: first in the Incarnation and death on the Cross, then in this august Sacrament, and the final time will be as our reward in Heaven. (cf. Transiturus) He is the model bridegroom, who gives Himself, who would willingly lay down his life for his bride. The goal of life is union with God and in receiving Holy Communion, we come as close to Heaven on earth as is possible.

The Apostles, when they saw the Lord, rejoiced. Similarly, we should rejoice on account of the Eucharist, because it means that Christ is here with us. With us, moreover, so as to live in us. We seek to be dissolved and be with Christ. This is not an easy teaching. But, Lord, we believe, we take our position behind Peter and say with him: You, Lord, have the words of eternal life.